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Shannon Connor
2 min read
A moment for darkness
The solstice is next week, marking the longest night of the year. Making it to this milestone has been a celebration in almost every...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
Our inner savings account
The holidays are here! And whether we love them or hate them, or some combination of the two, the holidays always guarantee a lot of...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
Glimmers are the new gratitude
We all have a lot to be thankful for, but gratitude can sometimes feel unapproachable. It’s often preached as a band-aid antidote for a...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
Our sixth sense
We all have an innate sixth sense of what’s happening inside us – like knowing when we’re about to get sick. There’s a constant stream of...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
You can't outthink your triggers
Last week I talked about the importance of choosing attention and how I direct my attention *towards* my panic while I’m in the throes of...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
Our attention matters
These last few years have taught me to not trust anything – a job, a boyfriend, my health, the day ahead of me. I’ve implicitly learned...

Shannon Connor
3 min read
What is trauma anyway?
I I’ve talked a lot about trauma. It’s a big word that most of us would shy away from claiming as our own. We typically associate the...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
A quick trick to reduce stress
There’s a reciprocal relationship between emotional states and breathing. If we’re not breathing well, we get stressed. And if we’re...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
Au contraire mind over matter
We all want to be that cool, calm, collected person. Unflappable in high stakes environments. Like Tom Brady looking left while bombing...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
What happens in Vagus stays in Vagus
The vagus nerve is an important, but rarely discussed, part of our periphery nervous system that controls and monitors all our vital...

Shannon Connor
2 min read
My Passion Is Now My Business
Neuroscience-based, executive performance coaching I recently spent a year in and out of the hospital, having seven surgeries to heal...
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